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2020 Thoughts

It is clear that 2020 has been an unexpected year for everyone. There is no need for me to repeat all of the events that have happened since we are still living through it. Although it has been a year that has shaken so many lives, it has been an eye-opening one as well. I can say this was the first year in a long time that the world had to be still and really think about life, and for that I am grateful.

This year, not only did we see clarity on where the state of the world is on a global scale, but I got to see it on a personal one. I've realized my passions and goals that I want to achieve. By no means do I have it all figured out, but I can say I am headed in the right direction. Creating this blog was one of the highlights of my year. I've wanted to create Breezy Brie Blogs for a long time, but always hesitated before following through.

I don't know about you, but I often get stuck in my head. Making a fashion and lifestyle blog and Instagram made me so excited. But between the algorithm changes, competitive girl nature on Instagram and the countless follow/unfollows to find my niche began to make me feel like I would not be successful. But then I had an AH-HA moment! Don't you like when we all get one of those lol? I had to remember why I was doing this. Not for likes or popularity but for myself. My own happiness.

I genuinely needed to take a step back and remember that as long as I reached one person, that's all that matters. Even if that was not the case, just being proud of what I've accomplished and what makes me happy. That is for everything in life.

I would be lying if I said there are not days where I feel all the work I put in has been wasted or my job outside of blogging is taking advantage of my time and efforts but I will not let that defeat me. I will continue to work hard and do everything it takes even if that means letting some things go to fulfill my needs.

Cheesy, maybe but real absolutely. That's all I want to be and will continue to be. Authentic. I guess to sum this up for anyone that is reading this, is I will continue to make Breezy Brie Blogs a space for authenticity and fun, but most importantly a place to be real. Life is challenging and always changing, but hoping we all continue to chase our dreams and do what brings us fulfillment regardless of how long it takes. I will use this space to be vulnerable with you all as well. I think this a good way to start.

Well with that being said, I hope the new year brings you all nothing but great love and happiness. I can't wait to continue to build this community slowly but surely.

Thank you for all the love and support. It really means so much to me. I should probably stop now before I write a novel.

Enjoy the New Year!



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