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How to Maintain Confidence

Confidence...what is this exactly? It means to trust, having self-assurance, and trusting in one's self. We all aspire to have the confidence to reach our goals and remind ourselves we are capable of achieving something. However, there are times we fall short.

Lately, I find myself being extremely critical. I can often become hard on myself and lose the confidence that people tend to see in me. Although it is nice to know people see you as a confident person, it means nothing unless you feel it yourself. I remember being asked once, how do you stay confident all the time? The key line...ALL THE TIME. I was so surprised to hear this in comparison to how I felt on the inside at times. Yet, being the self-critical person I was, I couldn't even take the compliment. Once, I stepped back, I noticed that overall I do maintain a level of confidence in which I was extremely proud. But how was I doing this?

After some self-analyzing, I thought I would share some practicals I noticed to help to maintain your confidence.

  1. Embrace who you are in God's eyes

    1. For those who believe in God or a higher being, I find that when I remember who God is and that he made me perfect in his image, I know he did not make a mistake. He made me unique and my life path different. Knowing this reminds me to trust in who I am and how I was made.


a. This is my biggest tip. Who are people that you feel the need to impress? They are not over you or better than you. I realized that the people who invest in your life more than you are in theirs tend to be jealous of you. Keep focused on yourself. Clearly, you are doing something right which is why want to fill you up with self-doubt. So do not care. You know the opinions that really matter.

3, Embrace the failures

a. Failing should never make you lose heart. It is a part of the process. So embrace it, learn from it and move on.

4. Take the compliment

a. Words of affirmation are not my strongest love langue either. However, words from the right people can really have a great impact. So take it! If someone cares about you they wouldn't say something they do not mean.

5. Be your own cheerleader

a. Cheer yourself on! It is not cocky to encourage yourself. Do not let people tell you being a cheerleader for yourself is cockiness instead of confidence. YOU are the only person that can allow yourself to achieve your goals. I would hope you want to be your own fan. When you know your value and worth you should take pride.

Overall, no one is born confident. it takes time to build and grow. There are times you will feel down, but I hope these tips to maintain confidence will help. As long as you believe in yourself and stay authentic along the way, your confidence will grow!

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